E-Commerce with commercetools
E-Commerce with commercetools
CoZy's story
CoZy derived from our insights gained as a digital agency in many successful e-commerce projects. One of the objectives during our commercetools evaluation was: "Can we offer a white-label starter package for our SME customers with commercetools?" After extremely promising feedback and an enthusiastic development team, we decided to further develop our evaluation project as commercetools Foundry Accelerator. The result? A white-label composable commerce solution called CoZy! E- commerce the cozy way with commercetools & ZYRES. Accelerator? An Accelerator is a composable and commercetools based commerce solution developed by a commercetools partner, which allows a fit evaluation between commercetools and SME business models within a few days.
CoZy's value
Cost efficiencyCoZy offers a optimised budget efficiency for commercetools projects. As a pioneer of the commercetools foundry approach, CoZy offers a very attractive pricing structure. CoZy is significantly below comparable individual developments and approx. 25% below the costs for commercetools projects with comparable search engines and CMS such as Algolia and Contentful. This makes CoZy particularly attractive for budget-conscious companies. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Rapid market entry (GTM)CoZy transforms the vision of an online business into reality in the shortest possible time. Instead of lengthy development processes, CoZy starts with a fully functional e-commerce solution, completed with a customised design, products and content, far beyond a simple proof of concept (POC).
Strong vendor support With commercetools as a vendor, we offer access to a comprehensive network of expertise and support. This promotes innovation and provides additional resources for growth.
CoZy explained
CoZy uses modern technologies to create an unrivalled customer experience. The technical paradigm is the MACH approach. MACH stands for Microservices, API-First, Cloud Native, Headless). With six core elements, CoZy provides a ready-to-use and customisable solution.
1. Backend & Frontend
The heart of CoZy is a high-performance headless commercetools backend, which together with a dynamic front end, forms the backbone of CoZy. With a variety of pre-defined components based on Tailwind CSS, CoZy enables customisation that leads to impressive digital experiences thanks to easy to use and flexible handlings.
2. Search Engine
The platform is equipped with a lightning-fast search engine powered by Typesense. It has been enhanced with advanced machine learning options and an AI-based vector search element, enabling personalised product and purchase recommendations, among other things. A synonym and taxonomy search function completes the search engine’s functionalities.
3. Content Management System
CoZy integrates a multichannel content management system from Strapi.io, which offers an intuitive page builder for quick creation and editing of content. The extended internationalisations functions ensures the publishing of several languages simultaneously. The optimised content creator journey is complemented by a centralized media library, live previews of drafts and time-controlled publishing options. In addition, a product client review function was added as part of the commercetool Connect, which emphasises collaborative content creation.
4. Authentication and Security
By implementing an OpenID-Connect based single sign-on solution , CoZy offers a standardised and secure login experience across different platforms with just one login for all touch points and services.
5. Payment Integrations
CoZy is equipped with the commercetools checkout. Additionally multipayments with Adyen and PayPal are implemented, Admins can choose via a switch in the backend between the two options. A checkout that covers the smooth processing of transactions in various use cases, ensuring an intuitive user experience and increased conversion rates.
6. Interconnectivity and Flexibility
CoZy is characterised by its unique MACH architecture, in which all services are independent but are connected to each other through a combination of REST and GraphQL APIs. This enables complete interchangeability and flexible extensibility of each component, so that the platform is open to adaptation to changing business processes.
Core-Technologies used
Who is CoZy for?
In principle, CoZy Commerce is the ideal solution for SMEs and medium-sized companies looking for a fully comprehensive and seamless e-commerce platform. CoZy is aimed in particular at:
For qiuck-starters
CoZy is the ideal choice for companies that value fast proof-of-concepts (POC) and go-to-market timings (GTM). CoZy shortens the project duration to just a few weeks with Plug & Play. Whether its B2B, B2C or B2X.
For SMEs & medium-sized companies
CoZy was developed specifically for the needs of small and medium-sized companies. Our many years of experience within the SME sector has helped us to incorporate the specific challenges of this sector-size into account and thus offer a budget-optimised price structure.
For the focussed
CoZy places great emphasis on the customer experience. Customer loyalty and satisfaction are at the centre of every business model. CoZy supports you in creating a valuable customer experience.
For visionaries and "Machers"
For companies that not only want to explore the future-proof MACH approach (microservices, API-first, cloud-native, headless), but also want to fully utilise its flexibility and scalability.
Official partner of commercetools!
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ZYRES digital media systems GmbH Stuttgarter Straße 25 60329 Frankfurt am Main Germany Phone: +49 (0)69 985599-0 E-Mail: hello@zyres.com